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What Management Style Your Business Uses Could Impact Your Employee Relationships – And Not Always For The Better

Management Style

The business management style you adopt will depend on the needs of your business, what motivates your employees, and your style of work. Therefore, you do have some flexibility regarding the choices you make and how you manage your business. However, there are some which you should always avoid due to the relationship they foster between employers and employees.

Autocratic Management Style

This style of top-down management leaves all decision-making to managers and expects full cooperation from employees. Criticism received will be with disapproval. This management style relies on fear and guilt and seeks to micromanage employees rather than allowing flexibility.

This strategy limits innovation and inhibits employees’ loyalty and personal motivation to progress as employees do not share the vision.


This type of management values the business’s people first and the tasks second. Overvaluing emotions and wanting to avoid conflict at all costs is detrimental to effectively completing the work.

This sort of strategy places no focus on success and goal completion. It can damage the business if performance is not up to par. Additionally, employees are not encouraged to do their best at their assigned tasks.

These two management strategies sit on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to valuing employees. You should regularly make an effort to interact with employees and ask them for suggestions to improve company performance as collaboration can be extremely valuable.

Your business should be able to function in a management style that best suits the needs of the business while balancing your employee’s needs and functionality. A well-suited management style should enhance performance and productivity without sacrificing or compromising its integrity and core values.

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