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Three Ways You Could Design A Fairer Workplace For Your Staff

Promoting a fair and equal workplace is not only a common concern for leaders of corporate giants but a challenge for small business owners as well.

Your team is essential to the long-term success of your business, so it is vital that each staff member has an equal opportunity for recognition and reward, no matter where they fall on the leadership ladder.

Creating a workplace culture that rejects favouritism or unfair recognition programs will ensure every employee feels like they are a valued member of your business.

Here are three ways to design a fairer workplace for your staff.

Equal Opportunities

Re-evaluate your recognition system and bonus program (if you have one) to ensure every employee will be recognised for any achievements they reach on behalf of the business. While it is easy to notice a sales employee who makes a deal or brings in a new client, do not forget about the assistant who puts in that extra effort to keep the office running smoothly. Otherwise, various employees may feel resentment towards management and become unmotivated in their role.

Dispute Resolution Process

Even in a small business, it can be easy to overlook an employee complaint. However, this does not foster a fair or even peaceful working environment. It is important to have a formal procedure in place so that your staff can voice any complaints they may have. This way, you can maintain a positive working relationship with your employees and resolve any issues that arise in the workplace before they escalate.

Fair Promotions System

To ensure other staff members do not believe a particular employee is unfairly promoted, provide regular feedback to your team, i.e., monthly or quarterly performance reviews. Establish clear goals that employees must meet to receive a promotion. This will not only help to avoid any resentment but fuel your employees to take on extra challenges that work towards the success of the business.

Equal Pay

It is essential that your staff is compensated fairly for the time and effort they spend each day in the office. This way you can retain your hardest and most talented workers.

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