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Readworthy Email Newsletters Abide By These Rules

It can be hard for businesses who are new to email newsletters to make their mark in the world of email marketing (and their clients’ inboxes).

Here are seven golden rules for beginners to help them create a bond with their clients and ensure they remain connected to readers.

 Be Informative

Being informative and relevant is the be-all, end-all in email marketing. Firms need to tell useful or compelling stories and make sure their email is full of valuable, interesting, educational content. The type of content firms use in their email newsletters could include:

  •  new blog posts
  • how-to’s and tips
  • industry or firm news
  • events or reminders
  • client testimonials
  • Lose the sales pitch

While firms can use email newsletters to inform clients of special offers or sales, selling should never be the primary focus of an email newsletter.

Keep It Brief

The average reader will spend around 51 seconds reading a newsletter. Keep your firm’s content scannable by breaking the newsletter content into blocks, short blurbs or bullet points, followed by a call-to-action button.

Give readers enough information to leave them eager to learn more. Lead readers back to your firm’s blog or website if they want more information. A newsletter’s purpose isn’t to make a sale; it is to build a relationship with clients, to inform and educate them, and hopefully, to get them clicking.

Respond To Clients

Providing clients with the opportunity to respond to your firm’s email newsletter and then responding to any inquiries or comments, lets readers know that your firm is listening to them, which can help build stronger relationships. It may also provide your firm with valuable insights and feedback that can be used to improve your next email newsletter.

Allow For An Easy Opt-Out

The harder a firm makes it for someone to unsubscribe to their emails, the easier it allows that person to file the emails under ‘spam’. Let clients go easily by making the unsubscribe link easy to find. Sitting in a client’s spam box will only cause your email’s delivery, open and click-through rates etc. to go down.




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